Alliance Contracting Electronic Law Journal
Abrahams, A., and Cullen, A. (1998) ‘Project Alliances in the Construction Industry’
Abrahamson, M. (1984) ‘Risk Management’
Akintoye, A., and Main, J. (2007) ‘Collaborative Relationships in Construction the UK Contractors’ Perception’
Akintoye, A., McIntosh, G., and Fitzgerald, E. (2000) ‘A Survey of Supply Chain Collaboration and Management in the UK Construction Industry’
Alchimie Pty Ltd. (2004) ‘Target Outturn Cost Demonstrating and Ensuring Value for Money’, Alchimie Pty Ltd, 10 pages
Allen, A. (2000) ‘Successful Relationships Between Contractors and Clients’
Allens Arthur Robinson (2006) ‘Alliance Contracting – Is It Bankable’
Alsagoff, A., and McDermott, P. (1994) ‘Relational Contracting A Prognosis for the UK Construction Industry’
Anslinger, P., and Jenk, J. (2004) ‘Creating Successful Alliances’
Ariño, A., and Reuer, J. (2004) ‘Alliance Contractual Design’
Armessen, P. (1999) ‘Project Alliancing and the Public Sector – Overcoming the Hurdles’
Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) (2001) ‘Relationship and Alliance Contracting by Government’
Appel, M (1993) ‘Partnering New Dimensions in Dispute Prevention and Resolution’
Australian Constructors Association (ACA) (1999) ‘Relationship Contracting – Optimising Project Outcomes’
Badger, W., and Mulligan, D. (1995b) ‘Rationale and Benefits Associated with International Alliances’
Baird, A. (2002) ‘Project Alliances (Why) Do They Work – Collaborative Styles of Working Using the NEC System of Contracts’
Baker, E. (2006) ‘Partnering Strategies The Legal Dimension’
Baker, S. (1990) ‘Partnering Contracting for the Future’
Bakshi, A. (1995) ‘Alliance Changes Economics of Andrew Field Development’
Baldwin, A., Thorpe, A., and Carter, C. (1999) ‘The Use of Electronic Information Exchange on Construction Alliance Projects’
Bamforth, S. (2006) ‘Insuring the Integrated Team’
Bannink, A., and Wright, G. (ND) ‘Relationship Contracting, Using the “Commercial Alliance Contract Model of Delivery”
Barlow, J. (1996) `Partnering, Lean Production and High Performance Workplace’,
Barlow, J. (2000) ‘Innovation and Learning in Complex Offshore Construction Projects’
Barnett, R. (1992) ‘Conflicting Visions A Critique of Ian MacNeil’s Relational Theory of Contract’
Barrett, N. (1998) ‘Partnering Pitfalls Being Overlooked’
Barrett, P. AM (2001a) `Trends In Public Sector Contracting – Some Issues and Better Practices’
Barrett, P. AM. (2001b) `Auditing in an Outsourcing Environment’
Bayliss, C. (2003) ‘The UKAEA Approach to Alliancing’
Begg, P. (2003a) ‘Fiduciary Content in Joint Ventures and Partnering Contracts in the Construction Industry’
Begg, P. (2003b) ‘The Legal Content of Partnering Arrangements in the Construction Industry
Bick, P. (1996) ‘Some Aspects of Good Faith and Fairness in the Formation of Construction and Engineering Contracts’
Black, C., Akintoye, A., and Fitzgerald, E. (2000) ‘An Analysis of Success Factors and Benefits of Partnering in Construction’
Black, D., Penick, V., and Gilmour, B. (1997-1998) ‘New Relationships on the East Coast Alliancing, Labour Relations at Hibernia, the Sable Gas Joint Public Review’,
Blayse, A., and Manley, K. (2004) ‘Key Influences on Construction Innovation’
Bleeke, J., and Ernst, D. (1991) ‘The Way to Win in Cross-border Alliances’
Boddy, D., and Macbeth, D. (2000) ‘Prescriptions For Managing Change A Survey of Their Effects in Projects to Implement Collaborative Working Between Organisations’,
Boddy, D., Cahill, C., Charles, M., Fraser-Kraus, H, and Macbeth, D. (1998) ‘Success and Failure in Implementing Supply Chain Partnering An Empirical Study’
Boddy, D., MacBeth, D., and Wagner, B. (2000) ‘Implementing Collaboration Between Organizations An Empirical Study of Supply Chain Partnering’
Bower, J., Crabtree, E., and Keogh, W. (1997) `Rhetorics and Realities in New Product Development in the Subsea Oil Industry’
Box, R. (2002) ‘Why Project Alliances Need New Insurance Products’
Brandt, K. (2002a) `The Use and Development of Mediation Techniques in UK and International Construction Disputes’
Brandt, S., and Murphy, J. (2000) ‘Productive Conflict Management in the Construction Industry’
Braynov, S., and Sandholm, T. (2002) ‘Contracting with Uncertain Level of Trust’
Bremen, J. (2000) ‘Alliancing and Partnering – The Failure of the Relationship’
Bremen, J. (2001) `Alliance Contracting – Why Choose Alliancing’
Brennan, R. (2004) ‘Relationship Contracting’
Brennan, R. (2005) ‘Rewarding Performance Sydney Water’s Journey’
Brennan, R. (2006a) ‘Delivering Alliance Innovation Through Strategic Performance Measurement’
Brennan, R. (2006b) ‘Partner Selection Critical Steps and Factors’
Brennan, R. (2006c) ‘Performance Based Contracting Measuring and Rewarding Performance in an Alliance Framework’
Bresnen, M. (2007) ‘Deconstructing Partnering in Project-Based Organisation Seven Pillars, Seven Paradoxes and Seven Deadly Sins’
Bresnen, M., and Marshall, N. (2000a) ‘Building Partnerships Case Studies of Client-Contractor Collaboration in the UK Construction Industry’
Bresnen, M., and Marshall, N. (2002) ‘The Engineering or Evolution of Co-Operation A Tale of Two Partnering Projects’
Bresnen, M., and Mashall N. (2000b) ‘Motivation, Commitment and the Use of Incentives in Partnerships and Alliances’
Bresnen, M., and Mashall, N. (2000c) ‘Partnering in Construction A Critical Review of Issues, Problems and Dilemmas’
Briggs, I. (2004a) ‘Alliance Contracting – The Legal Framework’
Briggs, I. (2004b) ‘Project Delivery Through Alliancing’
Briggs, I. (2007a) ‘Alliancing Contracting Overcoming Insurance Challenges’
Briggs, I. (2007b) ‘Alliancing – Reshaping Infrastructure Delivery in Australia’
Briggs, I. (2007c) ‘Alliancing – Reshaping Infrastructure Delivery in Australia’
Briggs, I. (2007d) ‘Consequential Losses – A Can of Worms for Alliances’
Brouthers, K., Brouthers, L., and Wilkinson, T. (1995) ‘Strategic Alliances Choose Your Partners’
Brown, D. (1999) ‘After the Divorce – Problems with Partnering Agreements’
Bruce, G., and Shermer, R. (1993) ‘Strategic Partnerships, Alliances Used to Find Ways to Cut Costs’
Bunni, N. (2003) ‘Contract or Co-operation Insights from the Middle East’
Burdon, S., Clegg, S., and Weiss, R. (2004) ‘Organisational and Management Best Practice for Outsourcing Services Through Alliance Contracts’
Busch, J., and Hantusch, N. (2000) ‘I Don’t Trust You, But Why Don’t You Trust Me Recognising the Fragility of Trust and its Importance in the Partnering Process’
Butterworths (currenta) ‘Building Contracts Australia – Disputation in the Industry’
Butterworths (currentb) ‘Building Contracts Australia – Project Alliances in the Construction Industry – Advantages and Disadvantages and When to Use Alliancing’
Caine, G. (2000a) ‘Ensuring Accountability in Your Alliance Contract – National Museum of Australia Experience’
Caine, G. (2000b) ‘Ensuring Accountability in Your Alliance Contract – National Museum of Australia Experience’
Campbell, A., and Minns, D. (1996) ‘Alliancing – The East Spar and Wandoo Projects’,
Campbell, D. (2004) ‘Ian Macneil and the Relational Theory of Contract’
Capper, P. (2001) ‘Basic Choices in the Allocation and Management of Risk’
Carter, J., and Bruce, D. (2005) ‘Enhancing the Quality of the Speciality Contractor Procurement Process Creating an Alliance’
Carter, J., and Peden, E. (2003) ‘Good Faith in Australian Contract Law’
Cave, M. (1999) ‘Team Building’
Chappel, A. (2004) ‘Profit by Partnering Through Alliances’
Charlett, A. (1996) ‘A Review of Partnering Arrangements Within the Construction Industry and their Influence on Performance’
Cheng, E., and Li, H. (2001) ‘Development of a Conceptual Model of Construction Partnering’
Cheng, E., Li, H. and Love P. (2000) ‘Establishment of Critical Success Factors for Construction Partnering’
Cheng, E., Li, H., Love, P., and Irani, Z. (2001) ‘Network Communication in the Construction Industry’
Chesmond, R. (2005) ‘Joint Ventures the Inter-Relationship Between Contract and Fiduciary Law’
Cheung, F. (2006a) ‘A Study of the Determinants of Effectiveness in Relational Contracting’
Cheung, F. (2006b) ‘A Study of the Determinants of Effectiveness in Relational Contracting’
Cheung, F. (2006c) ‘A Study of the Determinants of Effectiveness in Relational Contracting’
Cheung, F., and Rowlinson, S. (2006) ‘Relationship Management – Drawing on International Experiences’
Cheung, F., and Rowlinson, S. (ND) ‘Relational Contracting The Way Forward or Just a Brand Name’
Cheung, F., Rowlinson, S., and Jefferies, M. (2005) ‘A Critical Review of the Organisational Structure, Culture and Commitment in the Australian Construction Industry’
Cheung, F., Rowlinson, S., Jefferies, M. and Lau, E. (2005) ‘Relationship Contracting in Australia’
Cheung, S., and Yiu, K. (2007a) ‘A Study of Construction Mediator Tactics – Part I Taxonomies of Dispute Sources, Mediator Tactics and Mediation Outcomes’
Cheung, S., Yiu, K., and Chim, P. (2006) ‘How Relational are Construction Contracts’
Chew, A. (2004) ‘Alliancing in Delivery of Major Infrastructure Projects and Outsourcing Services in Australia – An Overview of Legal Issues’
Chew, A. (2006) ‘Alliancing – Some Practical and Legal Considerations when Bidding and Structuring Alliance Contracts’
Chew, A. (2007b) ‘Relationship-based Contracting in Public-private Partnerships Better Value for Money for Government’
Clark M. (2015) “Commissioning for better outcomes in mental health care testing alliance contracting as an enabling framework”
Clayton Utz (1998) ‘Alliance Contracts A Glimpse of the Future’
Clegg, Pitsis, Rura-Polley, Marosszeky (2002) ‘Govermantality Matters Designing an Alliance Culture of Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Managing Projects’
Clifton C., Duffield C. (2006) ‘Improved PFIPPP Service Outcomes Through the Integration of Alliance Principles’
Clifton C., Young D., Duffield C. (2004) ‘Relationship Contracting – Findings From A Study Of Perceptions Within the Australian Construction Industry’
Coci L. (2007) ‘Use of Alliances to Deliver Major Projects’
Cockram M., Chisnall D. (2002) ‘Relationship-first Contracting’
Cole, Justice T. (1994a) ‘Law – All In Good Faith’
Cole, Justice T. (1994b) ‘The Concept of Reasonableness in Construction Contracts’
Colledge, B. (1999) ‘Construction Partnering – Good Faith in Theory and Practice’
Colledge, B. (1999) ‘Good Faith in Construction Contracts – The Hidden Agenda’
Colledge, B. (2000) ‘Obligations of Good Faith in Partnering of UK Construction Contracts’
Colledge, B. (2005) ‘Relational Contracting – Creating Value Beyond the Project’
Conley, M., and Gregory, R. (1999) ‘Partnering on Small Construction Projects’
Connolly, T. (2003) ‘Procurement – Best Value Partnering The Way Forward’
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Cooper, R., Hinks, J., Allen, S., and Carmichael, S. (1996) `Adversaries of Partners A Case-Study of an Established Long-Term Relationship Between A Client And Major Contractor’
Cowan, B., and Davis, J. (2003) ‘Relationship Contracting What Is It And Where Is It Going’
Cowan, B., and Davis, J. (2005) ‘Development of the ‘Competitive TOC’ Alliance – A Client Initiative’
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Critchlow (1998) ‘We don’t need a contract we’re partnering’
Csoti, I., and Goddard, N. (1999) ‘Gainsharing as the Key to Partnering Success’
Dainty, A., Briscoe, G., and Millett, S. (2001) ‘Subcontractor Perspectives on Supply Chain Alliances’
Das, T. and Teng, B. (1998a) ‘Between Trust and Control Developing Trust in Partner Cooperation in Alliances’
Das, T., and Teng, B. (1998b) ‘Resource and Risk Management in the Strategic Alliance Making Process’
Das, T., and Teng, B. (2001) ‘Trust, Control, and Risk in Strategic Alliances An Integrated Framework’
Das, T., and Teng, B. (2003) ‘Partner Analysis and Alliance Performance’
Davidson, J. et al. (2011) “Remote Indigenous housing procurement a comparative study”
Davies, J. (2007) ‘Alliances, Public Sector Governance and Value for Money’
Davies, J. (NDa) ‘Preliminary Results – Alliance Contracting in the Australian Public Sector’
Davies, J. (NDb) ‘Alliances, Public Sector Governance and Value for Money’
Davies, J. (NDc) ‘Alliance Contracts and Insurance’
Davis, J., and Cowan, B. (ND) ‘Competitive Alliances Just A Client Driven VFM Approach’
Davis, P. (2005) ‘The Application of Relationship Marketing to Construction’
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Dixon, W. (2005a) ‘An Examination of the Common Law Obligation of Good Faith in the Performance and Enforcement of Commercial Contracts in Australia’
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Dorter, J. (1996) ‘Implications of Partnering for Mining and Construction’
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Douma, M., Bilderbeek, J., Idenburg, P., and Looise, J. (2000) ‘Strategic Alliances Managing the Dynamics of Fit’
Draulans, J., deMan, A., and Volberda, H. (2003) ‘Building Alliance Capability Management Techniques for Superior Alliance Performance’
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Egan, J. (1998) ‘Rethinking Construction’
Eggleton, G. and Blyth, I. (2001) ‘Project Alliancing Delivering a National Icon’
Eisenberg, M. (1999-2000) ‘Why There is no Law of Relational Contracts’
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Farrell S. and McDermott, J. (1995) ‘An International Perspective on RiskReward Contracting Comparison of U.S., Middle East and U.K. Alliances’
Farrell S. and Watzke, J. (1997) ‘International Alliances Closing the Cultural Gap’
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Gallagher, J. (2001) ‘How the National Museum and Acton Penninsula Alliance Broke New Ground’
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Procurement and governance choices for collaborative infrastructure projects – Le Chen, Karen Manley, Joanne Lewis
Taking Stock Primary Care Innovation – Lesley Middleton, Phoebe Dunn, Claire O’Loughlin and Jacqueline Cumming June 2018
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